Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)

What is NeuroStar TMS?

TMS stands for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation therapy, a non-drug treatment for major depression. NeuroStar TMS uses focused magnetic pulses, similar to an MRI, to reignite dormant synapses in the brain and help your brain function the way it was meant to.

It is not a drug or “shock” therapy. It does not involve surgery. NeuroStar TMS is a safe, effective treatment for Major Depressive Disorder and an adjunct therapy option for people with OCD without the side effects of medication.

Mark George M.D. Biological Psychiatry Branch Division of Intramural Research Progress, NIMH 1993.

Mark George M.D. Biological Psychiatry Branch Division of Intramural Research Progress, NIMH 1993.

Grace Remillard, Certified Neurostar TMS Coordinator

Treatment for Depression

If you have been diagnosed with MDD (Major Depressive Disorder) and have not experienced relief from antidepressants, TMS may be right for you. TMS is not a drug. It is not a form of shock therapy or surgery. And it has none of the side effects associated with medications.

TMS is an in-office treatment lasting as little as 19 minutes per daily session over seven weeks. At Touchstone Associates, we use NeuroStar technology for your TMS treatment. Schedule a consultation and read more below to determine if this is your proper treatment.

—Grace Remillard, Certified Neurostar TMS Coordinator

  • "With all honesty, depression does not run my life or make decisions for me anymore."

    — Patient, Age 27

  • "It's as if I've awoken from a deep, dark sleep."

    — Patient, age 41

  • "She is a different kid - thriving. It brings tears to my eyes thinking of the changes she experienced with TMS. Truly life-altering."

    — Lynn, Mother of a Patient


Will my insurance cover my Neurostar TMS treatments?

Most insurance companies cover TMS for individuals with Major Depressive Disorder where medications are ineffective or have harmful side effects. TMS is FDA cleared.

How long are treatments?

A single treatment lasts 18-20 minutes. Treatment plans differ on an individual basis, but the standard treatment plan includes 36 sessions over the course of six weeks. That is daily treatments, Mondays through Fridays, for about 20 minutes per session.

Does it Hurt?

During the session, you will feel a tapping sensation on your head. Each treatment session lasts around 19 minutes. Some NeuroStar patients experience mild to moderate pain or discomfort at or near the treatment site during the first week of treatment. This is usually temporary and subsides in subsequent treatments.

Can you explain the intake & TMS process?

During an initial consultation, a clinician will evaluate your medical history and determine if you are a good candidate for NeuroStar TMS. If so, you’ll be scheduled for a first appointment. The appointment is longer than the rest because a Certified NeuroStar Technician measures your head and locates the mood center of your brain. After you are measured, you participate in the 6-week protocol with mini-appointments.

How long will changes take?

Healing from depression takes time. Patients often notice small changes at first, such as positive sleep patterns or more motivation. Usually, our patients see results within 2-4 weeks of the first treatment. We always recommend talk therapy alongside NeuroStar TMS treatments.

What happens during a treatment?

Individuals receiving NeuroStar treatments at Touchstone Associates receive the best care possible. The patient sits in a chair while the magnetic pulses are delivered to the brain's mood center. Technicians are in the room with you for the entire session, and clinicians check in regularly.

We know that the activity in the brain of a depressed person is different from those who are not depressed. Treatments improve neural plasticity and stimulate the brain's mood center or inactive parts.

Does it really work?

Yes. NeuroStar TMS is FDA cleared to treat Major Depressive Disorder and has been heavily researched over the last decade. After a treatment plan, occasionally, patients come back to the office for additional Neurostar TMS appointments called “maintenance sessions."

Do I need to take medical leave to participate in Neurostar TMS?

No. While every patient’s situation is different, medical leave is not necessary to participate in this treatment protocol. Some people are able to fit in daily appointments throughout the workday. In total, the appointment takes 20 minutes a day.

Does NeuroStar TMS also work for anxious depression?

Yes! Our clinicians have successfully treated anxious depression in patients who have not experienced the relief they need from medications.

It’s worth stating again: NeuroStar TMS is non-invasive with no drug side effects. It is an in-office treatment lasting as little as 19 minutes per daily session over seven weeks. At Touchstone Associates, we only use NeuroStar technology for your TMS treatment, groundbreaking and FDA-cleared technology. Schedule a consultation today to determine if this is the proper treatment for you.

Have another question?

The NeuroStar Advanced Therapy System is indicated for the treatment of depressive episodes and for decreasing anxiety symptoms for those who may exhibit comorbid anxiety symptoms in adult patients suffering from Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and who failed to achieve satisfactory improvement from previous antidepressant medication treatment in the current episode. The NeuroStar Advanced Therapy system is intended to be used as an adjunct for the treatment of adult patients suffering from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). NeuroStar Advanced Therapy is only available by prescription. A doctor can help decide if NeuroStar Advanced Therapy is right for you. Patients’ results may vary. Visit for full safety and prescribing information.